City of San Diego Launches New Interactive ‘Project Finder’ Map

Screengrab of interactive project map from <a href=the city of San Diego. Courtesy City of San Diego." width="780" height="491" />

San Diego announced this week that it has launched a new interactive map to allow the public to find details and location information on hundreds of construction projects and events citywide.

The newer platform offers upgraded design, functionality, and notifications and replaces the previous Project Finder map. It allows people to designate an area, community, or neighborhood within the city and sign up for alerts specific to upcoming or ongoing projects in that area.

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This new Project Finder Map developed by the City’s transportation department greatly improves on the previous platform and makes it easier for San Diegans to learn about and plan for impactful projects and events near them,” said Chelsea Klaseus, Deputy Director for Transportation, in a statement.

It is a great tool to keep San Diegans informed and engaged with their city.”

The map also provides a Google satellite images layer and shows real-time traffic updates for construction and special events.

As with all construction activities and events, start and end dates are subject to change based on scheduling and environmental factors; they will be updated on the map to reflect any changes.

The city launched Project Finder this month following two years of development.

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