Homeowners living in areas of Ohio without centralized water treatment must obtain and install a system for containing and treating wastewater. This process protects the ground water supply from contamination, and helps to maintain public health.
In Ohio, Local Health Districts in conjunction with the state Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assumes responsibility for regulating the licensing and use of septic systems. The Ohio EPA can issue two types of permits: permits for residential use, and NPDES permits, which are issued for industrial and municipal sewage discharge systems. In addition, the Ohio EPA requires homeowners to employ a licensed professional when designing and installing a septic system.
The size and capacity of residential septic systems relate to the size and human capacity of the home the system is intended to serve. The state guidelines for minimum residential capacities are based on the number of bedrooms in the home. The following minimum capacities apply:
The State of Ohio advises homeowners not to build additional structures or park cars in areas above underground sewage systems and septic fields. This is to avoid damage to the septic system, which would necessitate expensive repair work. Further, homeowners are told to re-route any surface water away from the septic system to prevent an overload on the drainage capacity of the soil which supports the system.
For information regarding septic system installation and care in your area, please contact the following offices:
Central Office Southwest
122 South Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 644-2001(Div. of Surface Water)
(614) 644-3020 (General Information)
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